coin image


₹81.95 1.55%
0.0000102 BTC5.63%0.000308 ETH7.03%

Low (24h)



FEI to INR Price Today

Market Cap
Market Dominance
Market Cap
Market Dominance
Fully Diluted Market Cap
YTD (%)
Volume (24h)
Volume / Market Cap
Circulating Supply
4,557,650 FEI
Max Supply
Total Supply


coin image FEI





0.46%-1.55%1.08%-0.16% 0.81% 1.22%
0.46%-1.55%1.08%-0.16% 0.81% 1.22%


coin image FEI





Fei USD Risk Analysis




Fei USD (FEI) Markets

Fei USD Quarterly Returns


Introduction to Fei USD

Cryptocurrencies have created havoc in the existing financial systems. As soon as they launched they became a promising option to the traditional forms of investments and currencies. In this article, we will learn about Fei USD Coin which is a cryptocurrency and aims to merge the advantages of both stability and decentralization. Let us see in detail the functions, use cases and mechanisms of Fei USD Coin and what makes it so unique.

What is Fei USD Coin?

Fei USD Coin is also known just by the name of Fei. It is a cryptocurrency that is created on the Ethereum blockchain and is a decentralized stablecoin. It is created to keep a steady value similar to the US dollar. However, at the same time, it provides the advantages of safety, transparency, and decentralization. Fei uses algorithmic mechanisms to gain stability in price, unlike any traditional stablecoins that depend on centralized reserves. 

How Does Fei USD Coin Work?

Fei USD Coin uses the algorithmic pattern to grant stability in price. It works on the expansion and contraction theory of token supply. This means when the price of Fei is more than the fixed value the system at that time it encourages the user to mint new Fei by giving them discounted bonding curve prices and when the price is less than the fixed value the system permits users to burn Fei in exchange of a secured token. This procedure requires an interaction between different smart contracts and decentralized protocols.  These contracts are accountable to make the stability mechanisms work. It also makes sure to maintain security and carry out transactions on the Ethereum blockchain. 

Benefits of Fei USD Coin

Listed below are some of the benefits that Fei USD Coin provides and what makes it unique then there other traditional stablecoins and cryptocurrencies.

  1. Decentralization: Since Fei USD Coin works on the principles of decentralized blockchain, this removes the use of intermediaries and thus furnishes transparency and safety. 
  2. Stability: Fei's algorithmic mechanisms make it possible to modify the supply of tokens based on market demand. This helps in minimizing the flexibility of value that is common in the case of cryptocurrencies.
  3. Accessibility: Anyone who possesses an Ethereum wallet can have Fei. It also makes it possible for users all over the globe to participate in the ecosystem. 
  4. Smart Contract Flexibility: Due to the unique agreement of Fei coin it is possible for its developers to continuously add new and improved features to the stablecoin, and help it to grow the use cases inside the decentralized applications. 

How to Acquire Fei USD Coin

Anyone who is interested in obtaining Fei USD Coin can take part in the token sale or get it from the decentralized exchanges where it is listed. It can also be purchased using Ethereum or can be traded with other cryptocurrencies. It is advisable to use a reputed exchange and strictly follow all the safety measures while obtaining Fei to avoid any hacks or frauds.

Staking and Yield Farming with Fei USD Coin

Fei USD Coin enables its users to take part in yield farming and to stake their tokens. Staking means locking Fei with smart contracts. This helps to secure the network and gives good returns in the form of additional Fei rewards. Whereas yield farming helps to use Fei holdings to get additional tokens from liquidity provision or other DeFi protocols. This operation enables the users to earn traceable income and contribute to the stability and growth of the Fei environment equally. 

The Stability Mechanism of Fei USD Coin

A chain of incentives and fines is created to prevent market forces from going against the stability of Fei USD Coins. 

These procedures contain the bonding curve, direct incentives, and the Protocol Controlled Value. 

Here the work of the bonding curve is to enable the users to mint and burn Fei at different values based on the market demand. 

Direct incentives motivate the users to take part in the stability of Fei 

Protocol Controlled Value works as a reserve fund that the users can use at times of price stability to buy or sell secured assets. 

Use Cases of Fei USD Coin

There are many use cases of Fei USD Coins in the decentralized finance ecosystem.  

Below listed are some of such use cases. 

  • Payment Solutions: For quick and safe transactions within the DeFi ecosystem Fei can prove to be a stable means of exchange. 
  • Collateral in DeFi Protocols: Fei can be used as a secure way to lend and borrow services in the decentralized platform. 
  • Hedging and Stable Savings: Fei can be used as a barrier against the unstable market or it can even be held as a stable store of value by the users.
  • Cross-Border Payments: Fei can provide cheap, undefined transactions. This makes it the best alternative for payments and international business. 

Risks and Considerations

Even Though there are a number of benefits that users can enjoy with Fei. Similar to other cryptocurrencies, Fei USD Coins also come with some risks. Some of the common and important risks of all cryptocurrencies are a flexible market, unpredictable regulatory changes, smart contract exposure, and technical risks involved in blockchain technology. 

Thus it is mandatory for the users to do proper research on all the risks involved before investing in Fei or any other cryptocurrencies 

Future Developments of Fei USD Coin

The Fei USD coin is growing at an alarming rate. Its continued developments on the path of success involve many different new and unique features. Some of its future significance are listed below. 

  1. Integrations with Other DeFi Protocols: Fei's goal is to coordinate with other decentralized finance protocols to grow its use cases and blend with the flourishing DeFi applications. 
  2. Improved User Experience: The team of developers are working round the clock to solve any issues faced by its users and to make it more easy to use.
  3. Scalability Solutions: As the Ethereum network is growing, Fei wants to bring a scaling solution to enhance transactions throughout and lower the fees.
  4. Expanded Stablecoin Basket: Fei is looking for the chance to expand its secure assets to keep stability and to reduce possible risks.

How Much is a One Fei USD Worth Now?

The current price of the Fei USD(FEI) is ₹81.95, with a current market cap ₹373,477,585.30.

What is the Fei USD Stock Symbol or Ticker?

FEI is a ticker symbol of the Fei USD.

How Many FEI Coins Are There in Circulation?

At the movement,4.56M Fei USD tokens are already in the market out of 4.82M FEI.

How Can I Invest in Fei USD?

There are many options for buying crypto, and Fei USD can be purchased from many crypto exchanges at any time.Just visit DigitalCoinPrice to get the world's best crypto exchanges list and buy Fei USD. It's a quick, easy, and secure way to buy Fei USD(FEI).

Is Fei USD a Stablecoin?

Yes,It is a stablecoin.

What Was the Highest Price for Fei USD?

Fei USD had an all-time high of ₹204.57.

Coin Converter

By exchanging FEI against fiat currencies (such as the U.S. dollar or Japanese yen) or using them as payment for goods and services, Fei USD can be earned or received in various ways. FEI considers as the most popular cryptocurrency, and on the other side, USD is the most demanding fiat currency globally. Today, almost every fiat currency has been paired with the FEI, including FEI to PHP, FEI to INR, FEI to NGN, FEI to THB, FEI to CAD, FEI to PKR, FEI to IDR , FEI to EUR , FEI to AUD , FEI to BDT and many more in the queue. The given all are fiat currency and the most widespread pairs in the market.

Would you like to know how many cryptocurrencies 1 FEI is equivalent to other cryptocurrencies or vice versa? With Digitalcoinprice's Cryptocurrency Converter Calculator, you can easily convert cryptocurrency pairs. You can convert and check any crypto pairs like FEI to TRUMP, FEI to BUZZ, FEI to AIXBT, FEI to CGPT, FEI to PNUT, FEI to CBK, FEI to UXLINK, FEI to COOKIE .

FEI to INR price today is ₹81.95, which is Down by -1.55% over the last 24 hours. There has been an hourly Rise by 0.46%. Fei USD's market cap currently sits at ₹373,477,585.30 INR, holding up for a market cap rank at #1505. The volume were at ₹3,549,476.48 INR Fei USD ranks no 1505 in the market capitalization of Fei USD is at ₹373,477,585.30 and its volume for 24 hours is ₹3,549,476.48. Fei USD are under circulation, with total supply of 4.82M and the Maximum supply of 0.

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FEI to INR Price Statistics

Live Fei USD Price in INR



Percentage Change ( 24h )


24h High / Low

₹83.24 /


Trading Volume 24h


Volume / Market Cap


Market Dominance


Market Rank


Market Cap


Fully Diluted Market Cap


All Time High


All Time Low


Circulating Supply

4,557,650 FEI

Total Supply

4,815,910 FEI

Max Supply
