1h | 24h | 7d | 30d | 60d | 90d |
0.21% | 1.56% | 1.75% | -1.05% | 34.46% | 30.05% |
1h | 24h | 7d | 30d | 60d | 90d |
0.21% | 1.56% | 1.75% | -1.05% | 34.46% | 30.05% |
Price has increased by 3.05% in the last 1 year.
Monero is currently trading 19.64% above the 200-Day SMA which is $165.37.
The 14-Day Relative Strength Index (RSI) is at 54.64 which indicates that the cryptocurrency is currently NEUTRAL and may trade sideways.
The number of green days in the last 30 days is 17 which is 57%.
The circulating supply has yet to be published.
Has high liquidity with 0.01622 volume to market cap ratio. The current market cap is $3.71B while the 24-hour volume is $60.23M
Year | Q1 | Q2 | Q3 | Q4 | Total |
2014 | - | 1.48% | -51.32% | -64.36% | -82.39% |
2015 | 108.68% | -44.85% | -20.07% | 17.64% | 8.22% |
2016 | 197.76% | 14.63% | 423.96% | 63.86% | 2830.22% |
2017 | 48.99% | 112.92% | 118.86% | 264.85% | 2433.10% |
2018 | -48.64% | -27.48% | -10.92% | -59.96% | -86.72% |
2019 | 21.20% | 67.00% | -39.41% | -21.57% | -3.81% |
2020 | 6.65% | 33.56% | 70.52% | 44.45% | 250.86% |
2021 | 57.33% | -9.77% | 12.85% | -8.83% | 46.05% |
2022 | -6.90% | -46.93% | 30.38% | -0.01% | -35.59% |
2023 | 7.15% | 6.78% | -12.71% | 12.66% | 12.52% |
2024 | -22.93% | 31.60% | -8.04% | 25.22% | 16.78% |
Average | 36.93% | 13.75% | 51.41% | 27.40% | 538.92% |
Monero (XMR) is a fast, private, secure (encrypted), and untraceable cryptocurrency, which was launched in April 18th, 2014. Which monero, no one else can see anyone else's balances or transactions, you have complete control over your currency. Monero is cash for a connected world.
Monero (XMR) is a cryptocurrency focused on peer-to-peer privacy, which is untraceable and anonymous. Every user is anonymous by default on Monero. Every transaction is private on Monero, which means no one can trace it.
Monero (XMR) was among the first cryptocurrencies to feature cryptography that offered advanced privacy and fungibility over all alternatives.
Monero relies on two essential concepts to provide privacy and anonymity: stealth addresses and ring signatures.
Stealth addresses enable a sender to generate a one-time public address on behalf of the recipient for every transaction. However, the recipient can still use a single public address for receiving all their payments, just like Bitcoin. Every Monero user will generate a private view key and a private spend key. The private view key will allow them to see all the transactions associated with their account, while the private spend key is similar to a Bitcoin private key – it’s used to authorize payments.
Ring signatures are a concept from general cryptography and refer to a digital signature that can be signed by any member of a specific group of people with private keys. Whenever you make an MXR transaction, your Monero wallet forms a ring out of other users’ keys it pulls from the blockchain. To anyone observing, it’s impossible to tell whose key was used to sign, making the transaction anonymous.
In January 2017, Monero introduced Ring Confidential Transactions (RingCT), which also hides the value of transactions.
Monero has no single founder or CEO. There is a core team of developers who are working and handling it. In 2012, a cryptocurrency research paper titled CryptoNote was released by a developer whose true identity is unknown: Nicolas van Saberhagen. A brand-new form of electronic cash called CryptoNote has been proposed, and the cryptographic methods are described above.
The first cryptocurrency to launch on the CryptoNote protocol was Bytecoin in July 2012, and in 2014, Bitmonero, also known as Monero, was forked into Bytecoin's codebase.
In December 2019, Riccardo Spagni (FluffyPony) stepped down as Monero's lead maintainer. He was one of the few developers known by name. He has been involved in cryptocurrencies since 2011, mining Bitcoin and later co-founding Tari, a Monero sidechain that enables and empowers non-fungible tokens (NFTs).
Since Monero is an open-source project, its development is mainly funded by donations. Monero's Community Crowdfunding System (CCS) has been used by hundreds of people worldwide to support the project with proposals and funding.
There are some significant differences between Monero and Bitcoin, one of which is how updates are handled. The Monero software updates autonomously every six months, unlike Bitcoin, which requires a lengthy discussion before implementation, even the simplest of upgrades.
The Monero cryptocurrency was the first significant cryptocurrency to implement bulletproofs in 2018, a technology that significantly improved MXR transaction efficiency and resulted in a drop of at least 80% in average transaction size and a dramatic reduction in user fees.
While there are many other privacy coins, Monero has the largest market capitalization and is the most well-known. Privacy is also offered by default, unlike some alternatives such as Zcash, where it must be opted in manually.
Privacy and anonymity are the most valuable features of Monero for most users. It allows people to make crypto transactions whenever they want for whatever reason without worrying about being observed by the government, hackers, or anyone else. There is also no way to trace MXR coins, so companies cannot blocklist them for suspected criminal links.
In addition to its utility as a medium of exchange, Monero may also have value to investors who believe that demand for privacy will increase in the future and drive up the price and overall market cap of MXR.
Since XMR's supply is increasing, it is less suitable as a hedge against inflation than other cryptocurrencies, and its primary use case remains anonymous transactions. In addition to businesses wanting to conceal their suppliers, citizens escaping government oppression, and the average consumer who wants to avoid being scrutinized for their purchases, this could be useful in various situations.
Monero (XMR) Token Metrics
Token Name: | Monero |
Ticker: | XMR |
24h Volume: | $ 118.18 million ($ 118,182,812) |
Market Cap: | $ 2.71 billion ($ 2,705,555,294) |
Fully Diluted Market Cap: | $ 2.71 billion ($ 2,705,555,294) |
Circulating Supply: | 18.17 million XMR (18,172,269.68 XMR) |
Total Supply: | 18.17 million XMR (18,172,269.68 XMR) |
Issuance Blockchain: | Monero |
Monero (XMR) is available on a variety of cryptocurrency exchanges. The list of quick, secure, and easy exchanges as listed below.
You can check the whole list of exchanges are here to buy Monero (XMR)
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The current price of the Monero(XMR) is $201.37, with a current market cap $3,714,646,449.95.
XMR is a ticker symbol of the Monero.
At the movement,18.45M Monero tokens are already in the market out of 18.45M XMR.
There are many options for buying crypto, and Monero can be purchased from many crypto exchanges at any time.Just visit DigitalCoinPrice to get the world's best crypto exchanges list and buy Monero. It's a quick, easy, and secure way to buy Monero(XMR).
No, It is not a stablecoin.
Monero had an all-time low of $0.21.
Monero had an all-time high of $517.62.
Riccardo Spagni is the founder of the Monero(XMR) blockchain.
Yes, the Monero(XMR) coin can be mined.
The current Monero price is $201.37. In the last 24 hours, Monero price has gone up by 1.56%. The cryptocurrency market is volatile and never predicts its price movement, and it requires expertise and knowledge, and it is such a problematic take. Let's look at what our experts and market analysts discuss regarding future Monero price prediction.
Using a crypto portfolio tracker has become more convenient than it was in the past. This tool enables you to keep track of your crypto assets. As an example, you have acquired Monero at different prices, which makes it difficult to identify the individual purchasing prices. A portfolio tracker lets you identify profit and loss. Also organise it.
By exchanging XMR against fiat currencies (such as the U.S. dollar or Japanese yen) or using them as payment for goods and services, Monero can be earned or received in various ways. XMR considers as the most popular cryptocurrency, and on the other side, USD is the most demanding fiat currency globally. Today, almost every fiat currency has been paired with the XMR, including XMR to PHP, XMR to INR, XMR to NGN, XMR to THB, XMR to CAD, XMR to PKR, XMR to IDR , XMR to EUR , XMR to AUD , XMR to BDT and many more in the queue. The given all are fiat currency and the most widespread pairs in the market.
Would you like to know how many cryptocurrencies 1 XMR is equivalent to other cryptocurrencies or vice versa? With Digitalcoinprice's Cryptocurrency Converter Calculator, you can easily convert cryptocurrency pairs. You can convert and check any crypto pairs like XMR to BTC, XMR to DOGE, XMR to ADA, XMR to XRP, XMR to TFUEL, XMR to PROM, XMR to MYSTERY, XMR to MAJOR, XMR to PNUT, XMR to BCH .
Monero price today is $201.37 USD, which is Up by 1.56% over the last 24 hours. There has been an hourly Rise by 0.21%. Monero's market cap currently sits at $3,714,646,449.95 USD, holding up for a market cap rank at #35. The volume were at $60,233,578.41 USD Monero ranks no 35 in the market capitalization of Monero is at $3,714,646,449.95 and its volume for 24 hours is $60,233,578.41. Monero are under circulation, with total supply of 18.45M and the Maximum supply of 0.
Official Link
Network information
XMR Price | $201.37 |
Percentage Change ( 24h ) | ▲1.56% $12.81 |
24h High / Low | $207.96 / $195.15 |
Trading Volume 24h | $60,233,578.41 |
Volume / Market Cap | 0.01622 |
Market Dominance | 0.11% |
Market Rank | 35 |
Market Cap | $3,714,646,449.95 |
Fully Diluted Market Cap | $3,714,646,449.95 |
All Time High | $517.62 ▼61.1% |
All Time Low | $0.21 ▲94454.56% |
Circulating Supply | 18,446,744 XMR |
Total Supply | 18,446,744 XMR |
Max Supply | - |