Dai (DAI) has been rebranded to Usds (USDS). For more information, please refer to this article and post.
coin image


0.0000191423 BTC 0.01%
0.0000159 BTC4.51%0.000408 ETH2.95%

Low (24h)

0.0000191388 BTC

0.0000191487 BTC

DAI to BTC Price Today

Market Cap
102,705.98 BTC
Market Dominance
Market Cap
102,705.98 BTC
Market Dominance
Fully Diluted Market Cap
102,705.98 BTC
YTD (%)
Volume (24h)
1,627.92 BTC
Volume / Market Cap
Circulating Supply
5,365,382,703 DAI
Max Supply
Total Supply
-0.02%0.01%-0.02%-0.02% -0.02% -0.02%


coin image DAI





Dai Risk Analysis




Dai (DAI) Markets

Dai Quarterly Returns


DAI comes under the list of new-arrival cryptos. Hence, there is no Quarterly Return exist.

Introduction to Dai

What is Dai(DAI)? DAI is an ERC20 based stable token that has developed on the Ethereum(ETH) blockchain technology. It is a stable value of one U.S. dollar, which the MakerDAO has issued. The DAI is the first collateral-backed cryptocurrency, and it can maintain its stable 1:1 value with the U.S. dollar by locking other crypto assets in the contract. Stable cryptocurrency is not rare and new now. We have many stable cryptocurrencies which are in demand globally. Stable crypto includes USDT, BUSD, USDC, PAX, Gemini Coin, and upcoming facebook's Diem. DAI is a stable Ethereum token, and it is used to pay for things and easily transferable between Ethereum wallets.

Who created DAI?

DAI is a product of MakerDAO and founded in 2014 by Rune Christensen. His first project, MakerDAO and first introduced in 2015. After that, the maker protocol started making DAI design, and it was launched in 2017 December on the Marker Protocol.


Why use DAI?

Users and investors are interested in buying DAI because it offers efficiency and transparency benefits and protects from price volatility. DAI is the same as other cryptocurrencies. It is borderless, programmable, and can transfer quickly, but the bonus point is price stability. You can purchase and transfer DAI to exchange other cryptocurrencies.  


How does Dai work?

DAI is a crypto asset, and cryptocurrencies can collateralize it. If you are planning to acquire DAI on the other side, they can spend ETH to purchase the dollar equivalent to DAIanf they can collateralize ETH or any other asset with the help of Maker protocol.


CDPs (Collateralized Debt Positions) is a smart contract on maker protocol, and with the help, users can leverage to lock their collateral assets and generate DAI.


DAI offers high collateralization, which means the deposit amount should be higher than DAI. For instance, to receive $100 DAI, the user has to spend $200 in Ethereum(ETH). That means to users' account for the potential decrease in the value of ETH. Additionally, If ETH down by 25%, The $100 in the DAI will be safe and collateralized in Ethereum by $150. If you want to recover stored ETH, the user has to return DAI by paying a stable fee. 


The circulating supply of DAI?

DAI is stable and currently ranked number #20 with the $4.85($ 4,846,312,004) billion market cap. The current circulating supply is 4.85(4,845,139,918.52) billion DAI out of the total supply of 4.85(4,845,139,918.52). The current 24h volume of DAI is $ 968.01($ 968,014,981) million. 


How to buy DAI?

Maker Dai aims to create stable coins, and the idea behind this is to handle the volatility. If you are planning to buy DAI, you have to require either BTC or Ethereum for trading.


There are several ways to buy DAI. It is available on every exchange, but buying from top exchanges makes our purchase secure. There are only three 3 to buy and trade DAI includes:

  • Signup to exchanges
  • Verify your identity and despite funds
  • Start buying and trading Ripple.

We are listing down some top exchanges where you can buy DAI easily, and that includes:

  • Binance
  • Kraken 
  • Huobi Global
  • OKEx
  • KuCoin
  • HitBTC
  • Gate.io
  • Upbit Market

How Much is a One Dai Worth Now?

The current price of the Dai(DAI) is 0.0000191423 BTC, with a current market cap 102,705.98 BTC.

What is the Dai Stock Symbol or Ticker?

DAI is a ticker symbol of the Dai.

How Many DAI Coins Are There in Circulation?

At the movement,5.37B Dai tokens are already in the market out of 5.37B DAI.

How Can I Invest in Dai?

There are many options for buying crypto, and Dai can be purchased from many crypto exchanges at any time.Just visit DigitalCoinPrice to get the world's best crypto exchanges list and buy Dai. It's a quick, easy, and secure way to buy Dai(DAI).

Is Dai a Stablecoin?

Yes,It is a stablecoin.

What Was the Lowest Price for Dai?

Dai had an all-time low of 0.0000171730 BTC.

What Was the Highest Price for Dai?

Dai had an all-time high of 0.0000702311 BTC.

Coin Converter

By exchanging DAI against fiat currencies (such as the U.S. dollar or Japanese yen) or using them as payment for goods and services, Dai can be earned or received in various ways. DAI considers as the most popular cryptocurrency, and on the other side, USD is the most demanding fiat currency globally. Today, almost every fiat currency has been paired with the DAI, including DAI to PHP, DAI to INR, DAI to NGN, DAI to THB, DAI to CAD, DAI to PKR, DAI to IDR , DAI to EUR , DAI to AUD , DAI to BDT and many more in the queue. The given all are fiat currency and the most widespread pairs in the market.

Would you like to know how many cryptocurrencies 1 DAI is equivalent to other cryptocurrencies or vice versa? With Digitalcoinprice's Cryptocurrency Converter Calculator, you can easily convert cryptocurrency pairs. You can convert and check any crypto pairs like DAI to BTC, DAI to SUI, DAI to NEIRO, DAI to SOL, DAI to HMSTR, DAI to PEPE, DAI to UNI, DAI to ETH .

DAI to BTC price today is 0.0000191423 BTC, which is Up by 0.01% over the last 24 hours. There has been an hourly Dip by -0.02%. Dai's market cap currently sits at 102,705.98 BTC BTC, holding up for a market cap rank at #20. The volume were at 1,627.92 BTC BTC Dai ranks no 20 in the market capitalization of Dai is at 102,705.98 BTC and its volume for 24 hours is 1,627.92 BTC. Dai are under circulation, with total supply of 5.37B and the Maximum supply of 0.

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DAI to BTC Price Statistics

Live Dai Price in BTC


0.0000191423 BTC

Percentage Change ( 24h )


0.0000000099 BTC
24h High / Low

0.0000191487 BTC /

0.0000191388 BTC

Trading Volume 24h

1,627.92 BTC

Volume / Market Cap


Market Dominance


Market Rank


Market Cap

102,705.98 BTC

Fully Diluted Market Cap

102,705.98 BTC

All Time High

0.0000702311 BTC

All Time Low

0.0000171730 BTC

Circulating Supply

5,365,382,703 DAI

Total Supply

5,365,382,703 DAI

Max Supply
