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Reserve RightsRSR to ETH

0.0000045477 ETH 2.68%
0.000000139 BTC2.10%0.00000401 ETH2.43%

Low (24h)

0.0000044276 ETH

0.0000046754 ETH

RSR to ETH Price Today

Market Cap
244,819.23 ETH
Market Dominance
Market Cap
244,819.23 ETH
Market Dominance
Fully Diluted Market Cap
454,766.19 ETH
YTD (%)
Volume (24h)
15,010.50 ETH
Volume / Market Cap
Circulating Supply
53,834,088,904 RSR 53.83%
Max Supply
Total Supply
0.19%2.68%-20.84%-12.04% 92.71% 86.84%


coin image RSR





Reserve Rights Risk Analysis




Reserve Rights (RSR) Markets

Reserve Rights Quarterly Returns


Introduction to Reserve Rights

Reserve Rights (RSR) is a stablecoin cryptocurrency. Its main aim is to provide users with a stable cryptocurrency that is decentralized and scalable. It is controlled by smart contracts. However, the main difference between this coin against other cryptocurrencies is the fact that unlike other stablecoins, banks and other financial institutions do not control this crypto coin. In this article, we will learn about this coin's features. Moreover, we will discuss the challenges it currently faces and delve deep into its future prospects. In short, we will provide you with vital information that will help you make the informed decision of whether you should buy this cryptocurrency or not.

It is an ERC-20 token which was launched in the year 2019. Two co-founders Nevin Freeman and Matt Elder came together for this purpose. Its main aim is the over-collateralization of the stablecoin. It does so through a way of staking and managing them through promoting and voting. These aspects can bring about positive changes as well as help in shaping the coin's network. 


Features of Reserve Rights (RSR)

Are you planning to invest in this crypto coin? If yes, For someone who is looking forward to investing in this stablecoin token, here are some of the main features that this coin offers to its users.

  • Decentralized 

This is a decentralized stablecoin.  Since it is a decentralized cryptocurrency it eliminates all the intermediaries like banks and other financial institutions. Due to this, the coin is able to provide a system for its users that aids secure, quick, and Low-Cost transactions. 

  • Rewards

The main aim of this coin is over-collateralization through staking. It encourages staking. In fact,  it gives rewards to those who actively take part in the decision-making process and staking of this coin.

  • Administration 

The administration of the network is in the hands of its stakeholders. Those who actively take part in the staking of the coins in its reserves are liable to take an active part in the administration of this coin's network. 

  • Collateralization

This coin works in coordination with the reserve protocol. This means users can mint new RSV coins with the help of this digital currency. 


Challenges and Risks Associated With Reserve Rights (RSR)

Even though it is a stablecoin cryptocurrency still there are certain unavoidable challenges faced by this coin. They are as under:

  • Regulatory Uncertainty 

This is the common challenge most cryptocurrencies face. The regulatory landscape that surrounds the cryptocurrency ecosystem is in its developing stage. Each country looks at cryptocurrency in a different manner and has different rules and laws for them. There have been instances of sudden changes in policies around cryptocurrencies. These sudden regulatory changes can affect the coin's future growth. 

  • Competition 

Every cryptocurrency in the ecosystem has to compete with the outside traditional financial systems. Not only that, there is an internal battle of digital coins with each other. Having said that, It has become very important for digital tokens to achieve a prominent position in the ecosystem and to successfully maintain it.

  • Changing Technologies 

The developing team is always on their toes to constantly work together and bring about new features to the network. However, technological advancements happen at a very fast pace. Therefore, sometimes it becomes difficult to keep up with the constantly changing technologies. 


How to Buy Reserve Rights (RSR) Tokens? 

Are you one of those who are planning to invest in cryptocurrencies, especially this stablecoin token? If yes, you can follow the below-mentioned steps. 

  • Exchange Search 

Search for a secured and reliable exchange that supports this coin.

  • Account Creation 

Create your account on these exchanges by completing the necessary authentication process. 

  • Fund Deposit 

Deposit funds and place purchase orders for the required amount of coins.

  • Coin Deposit 

Once your purchase order is verified coins will get deposited into your account. 

  • Wallet Transfer 

Transfer the coins into secured wallets for better safety. 

Future Outlook of Reserve Rights (RSR)

If you look at the present successful run of this coin, it is likely to have a good future ahead. It is mainly because of the following reasons: 

  • Skilled Developers

It has a team of talented developers that understand crypto technology very well. They work continuously to make sure that the coin’s ecosystem works smoothly and even upgrade the technology when needed. 

  • Active Community Participation

There is an active participation of the stakeholders in the growth of the cryptocurrency. They take part in the decision-making and voting process of the network. This helps to build a secure future for the network. 

  • Chances of Adoption

The coin’s network is looking forward to achieving widespread adoption and traction in the future because more and more people are accepting this cryptocurrency. It has also become a hot favorite among traders, merchants, and many companies as well as a medium of exchange.  



Who Are the Founders of Reserve?

It was co-founded by Nevin Freeman and Matt Elder in the year 2019.

What Makes Reserve Rights Unique?

This coin is backed by a group of cryptocurrencies which is managed by smart contracts whereas other stablecoins are backed by U.S dollars which are held in the bank's reserves. 

How Many Reserve Rights (RSR) Coins Are There in Circulation?

This coin has a fixed supply of 100 billion tokens out of which at present 47% is currently in circulation. 

How is the Reserve Rights Network Secured?

It is an ERC-20 token that is based on the Ethereum blockchain. Thus it uses a Proof-of-Work consensus mechanism which makes it secure. 

On Which Exchanges Can You Buy Reserve Rights (RSR)?

You can buy this coin on secured and reliable exchanges like Binance, Huobi Global, and OKEx.



With some unique features and its nature of being a decentralized stablecoin, this cryptocurrency has a prosperous future ahead. It is a secure platform that works with the aim of overcollateralization.Nevertheless, there are certain risks and challenges that are unavoidable which you should consider before you decide to invest in this coin. However, overall it is a secure form of investment that can prove to be a good investment decision.


How Much is a One Reserve Rights Worth Now?

The current price of the Reserve Rights(RSR) is 0.0000045477 ETH, with a current market cap 244,819.23 ETH.

What is the Reserve Rights Max Supply?

The maximum supply of the Reserve Rights(RSR) is around 100B.

What is the Reserve Rights Stock Symbol or Ticker?

RSR is a ticker symbol of the Reserve Rights.

How Many RSR Coins Are There in Circulation?

At the movement,53.83B Reserve Rights tokens are already in the market out of 100B RSR.

How Can I Invest in Reserve Rights?

There are many options for buying crypto, and Reserve Rights can be purchased from many crypto exchanges at any time.Just visit DigitalCoinPrice to get the world's best crypto exchanges list and buy Reserve Rights. It's a quick, easy, and secure way to buy Reserve Rights(RSR).

Is Reserve Rights a Stablecoin?

Yes,It is a stablecoin.

What Was the Lowest Price for Reserve Rights?

Reserve Rights had an all-time low of 0.0000004296 ETH.

What Was the Highest Price for Reserve Rights?

Reserve Rights had an all-time high of 0.0000409683 ETH.

Coin Converter

By exchanging RSR against fiat currencies (such as the U.S. dollar or Japanese yen) or using them as payment for goods and services, Reserve Rights can be earned or received in various ways. RSR considers as the most popular cryptocurrency, and on the other side, USD is the most demanding fiat currency globally. Today, almost every fiat currency has been paired with the RSR, including RSR to PHP, RSR to INR, RSR to NGN, RSR to THB, RSR to CAD, RSR to PKR, RSR to IDR , RSR to EUR , RSR to AUD , RSR to BDT and many more in the queue. The given all are fiat currency and the most widespread pairs in the market.

Would you like to know how many cryptocurrencies 1 RSR is equivalent to other cryptocurrencies or vice versa? With Digitalcoinprice's Cryptocurrency Converter Calculator, you can easily convert cryptocurrency pairs. You can convert and check any crypto pairs like RSR to BTC, RSR to DOGE, RSR to ADA, RSR to XRP, RSR to TFUEL, RSR to PROM, RSR to MYSTERY, RSR to MAJOR .

RSR to ETH price today is 0.0000045477 ETH, which is Up by 2.68% over the last 24 hours. There has been an hourly Rise by 0.19%. Reserve Rights's market cap currently sits at 244,819.23 ETH ETH, holding up for a market cap rank at #120. The volume were at 15,010.50 ETH ETH Reserve Rights ranks no 120 in the market capitalization of Reserve Rights is at 244,819.23 ETH and its volume for 24 hours is 15,010.50 ETH. Reserve Rights are under circulation, with total supply of 100B and the Maximum supply of 100B.

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RSR to ETH Price Statistics

Live Reserve Rights Price in ETH


0.0000045477 ETH

Percentage Change ( 24h )


0.0000002478 ETH
24h High / Low

0.0000046754 ETH /

0.0000044276 ETH

Trading Volume 24h

15,010.50 ETH

Volume / Market Cap


Market Dominance


Market Rank


Market Cap

244,819.23 ETH

Fully Diluted Market Cap

454,766.19 ETH

All Time High

0.0000409683 ETH

All Time Low

0.0000004296 ETH

Circulating Supply

53,834,088,904 RSR

Total Supply

100,000,000,000 RSR

Max Supply

100,000,000,000 RSR