Egg N Partners (EGGT) Price Prediction 2025, 2026 - 2034

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Egg N Partners PredictionEGGT

$0.24 0.56%

Low (24h)



Egg N Partners Price Prediction 2025, 2026, 2027 to 2034

YearMinimum PriceAverage PriceMaximum Price

Egg N Partners Price Prediction Analysis

According to our current Egg N Partners price prediction, the value of Egg N Partners will increased by 251.28%, reaching $0.87 by end of 2027. All technical indicators indicate that the current sentiment is Bearish, while the Fear & Greed Index is reading 23.88, which means extreme fear. Our Egg N Partners forecast, it's risky to Sell Egg N Partners right now. On January 14, 2025, almost all technical analysis indicators signalled bullish signals, while other indicators signalled bearish signals, indicating a general Bearish sentiment among Egg N Partners price predictions. See the exact Egg N Partners price prediction below; you will know how much Egg N Partners is worth in the coming months and years. Over the last 30 days, Egg N Partners has decreased by -56.72%. Due to this, we can get except a slight recovery in the coming month. By the end of January, the value of Egg N Partners increased by 111.85% and reached near around $0.51. Currently, all indicators are indicating Bearish zone, and the fear & greed index shows 23.88 extreme fears. According to our forecast, this is not the right time to Sell Egg N Partners. Currently, Egg N Partners is trading below the 200 simple moving average. for the last 326 days, since December 31, 2025, SMA has shown a Egg N Partners Selling signal. The price of Egg N Partners is currently running below the 50-day simple moving average (SMA) and it shows a Sell signal. According to all technical indicators, the 200-day SMA will drop soon, and the price will hit $0.52 by the end of December. By December 2025, 2026, Egg N Partners's short-term 50-Day SMA shows a $0.45. The Relative Strength Index (RSI) momentum oscillator is a popular indicator that signals whether a cryptocurrency is oversold (below 30) or overbought (above 70). RSI is currently at RSIValue. This indicates that the EGGT market is in a NEUTRAL position.

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Current Price$0.24
Sentiment Bearish
50-Day SMA $0.45
200-Day SMA $0.52
Price Prediction$0.51 (111.85%)
F & G Index 23.88 (extreme fear)
Green Days 10/30 (34%)
14-Day RSI 48.49

Egg N Partners Price Prediction 2025

In the first week of January 2025, Egg N Partners reached 0.00 when it dropped below 0.00 for the first time since January 2021. According to the investors and market exports, Egg N Partners is on its way to passing the $0.53 mark by the end of this year. Before $0.53, it may break its mark of $3.85 and reach. According to the investors, exporters, and market leaders, Egg N Partners will break its previous all-time high of $3.85 and hold between $0.48 and $0.53 soon. As of now, on 14 January 2025, Egg N Partners is trading at $0.24, and its 24-hour trading volume is around 66.95K, and it makes number 4302 currency in the whole crypto world.

Egg N Partners Price Prediction 2026

There is a possibility that Egg N Partners can break through the $0.62 barrier and hold the market by the end of 2026.The lowest Egg N Partners price will be between $0.52 to $0.62, and the most likely Egg N Partners price will be steady at around $0.60 by the end of 2026.Despite Egg N Partners's wild swings in value and the controversy surrounding its environmentally unfriendly energy usage, billionaire venture capitalist Tim Draper is sticking to his prediction that Egg N Partners will reach $0.62 by the end of 2026 or early 2026.

Egg N Partners Price Prediction 2027

By 2027, market analysts and experts predict that EGGT will start the year at $0.72 and trade around $0.87. According to their predictions, this would be extremely high compared to last year. This is really an acceptable jump in Egg N Partners.

Egg N Partners Price Prediction 2028

There is a good chance that Egg N Partners 2028 Price Prediction will double in price, but it is also possible that it may not reach its expected maximum $1.11 level. Egg N Partners is predicted to reach an all-time high of $1.10 or $1.11 in 2028, and it could be the year of Egg N Partners.

Egg N Partners Price Prediction 2029

Egg N Partners Price Prediction, or EGGT, will experience tremendous growth in 2029 as it has the potential to achieve new highs in terms of price points and market cap. Egg N Partners's price is expected to surpass $1.11 in 2029. It has been predicted that Egg N Partners will reach the maximum price of $1.11 and the minimum price is expected to be around $0.93 in the next five years from 2029.

Egg N Partners Price Prediction 2030

Market analysts and experts predict say that Egg N Partners Price Prediction and technical analysis, Egg N Partners is expected to cross a price level of $1.31 in 2030. Meanwhile, Egg N Partners is expected to reach a minimum price of $1.15 this year. The maximum price may reach $1.33.

Egg N Partners Price Prediction 2031

By the beginning of 2031, the Egg N Partners Price Prediction and technical analysis predict that the cost of Egg N Partners will reach $1.78, and the price of EGGT should reach $1.78 by the end of the year. In addition, EGGT can reach up to $1.64 in price. From 2025 to 2031 time gap will bring significant years for Egg N Partners growth.

Egg N Partners Price Prediction 2032

In 2032, Egg N Partners Price Prediction are expected to cross the $2.44 average price level, according to Egg N Partners forecast and technical analysis. By the end of 2032, Egg N Partners's minimum price is expected to be $2.36. Additionally, EGGT can reach a maximum price level of $2.54. At the end of 2032, Egg N Partners will have an average price of $2.54. The crypto market expects a significant price shift.

Egg N Partners Price Prediction 2033

Egg N Partners price is estimated to reach $3.33 by 2033, at minimum. With an average trading price of $3.46 throughout 2033, Egg N Partners's value could come to $3.48 at its highest. The specialists expect the maximum price to be trading around $3.46.

Egg N Partners Price Prediction 2034

In 2034, Egg N Partners will try to reach the lowest level of $4.55. It may try to get the maximum and next top tier of $4.71 with the average forecast price of $4.69. It may break the previous high and go forward to its next level. If everything drives smoothly, we predict it will reach its next level. But, it may dump also.

Egg N Partners Price Prediction - Egg N Partners Forecast From Year 2025 to 2034

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Egg N Partners Price Prediction 2025

MonthMinimum PriceAverage PriceMaximum PriceAvg. Change
Jan 2025$0.24$0.24$0.24-
Feb 2025$0.20$0.40$0.5266.54 %
Mar 2025$0.20$0.21$0.51-14.85 %
Apr 2025$0.21$0.32$0.5231.35 %
May 2025$0.22$0.35$0.5343.41 %
Jun 2025$0.22$0.24$0.530.62 %
Jul 2025$0.22$0.34$0.5239.08 %
Aug 2025$0.20$0.48$0.5299.62 %
Sep 2025$0.22$0.34$0.5340.50 %
Oct 2025$0.21$0.33$0.5137.06 %
Nov 2025$0.21$0.32$0.5331.81 %
Dec 2025$0.22$0.46$0.5390.40 %

Daily Simple Moving Average (SMA)

SMA (10)$0.25SELL
SMA (20)$0.25SELL
SMA (30)$0.32SELL
SMA (50)$0.45SELL
SMA (100)$0.39SELL
SMA (200)$0.52SELL

Daily Exponential Moving Average (EMA)

EMA (10)$0.25SELL
EMA (20)$0.28SELL
EMA (30)$0.32SELL
EMA (50)$0.36SELL
EMA (100)$0.42SELL
EMA (200)$0.48SELL

Egg N Partners Price Prediction Visual

Egg N Partners Oscillators

RSI (14)48.49NEUTRAL
Stoch RSI (14)94.29SELL
Stochastic Fast (14)23.80NEUTRAL
Commodity Channel Index (20)-66.67NEUTRAL
Average Directional Index (14)23.88NEUTRAL
Awesome Oscillator (5, 34)-0.11NEUTRAL
Momentum (10)0.00BUY
MACD (12, 26)0.01NEUTRAL
Williams Percent Range (14)-76.20NEUTRAL
Ultimate Oscillator (7, 14, 28)47.21NEUTRAL
VWMA (10)0.25SELL
Hull Moving Average (9)0.24BUY
Ichimoku Cloud B/L (9, 26, 52, 26)0.35NEUTRAL

Egg N Partners Price Prediction for Tomorrow and Next Week

DateAverage PriceAvg. Change
2025-01-15$0.23-5.49 %
2025-01-16$0.23-5.24 %
2025-01-17$0.23-4.99 %
2025-01-18$0.23-3.74 %
2025-01-19$0.23-3.49 %
2025-01-20$0.23-3.24 %
2025-01-21$0.24-0.99 %
2025-01-22$0.11-55.47 %
2025-01-23$0.11-54.22 %
2025-01-24$0.11-52.97 %
2025-01-25$0.11-52.72 %
2025-01-26$0.12-52.47 %
2025-01-27$0.12-52.22 %
2025-01-28$0.12-50.97 %
2025-01-29$0.12-49.72 %
2025-01-30$0.12-49.47 %
2025-01-31$0.13-47.22 %
2025-02-01$0.13-46.97 %
2025-02-02$0.13-44.72 %
2025-02-03$0.13-44.47 %
2025-02-04$0.14-44.22 %
2025-02-05$0.14-42.97 %
2025-02-06$0.15-39.72 %
2025-02-07$0.15-36.47 %
2025-02-08$0.15-36.22 %
2025-02-09$0.16-33.97 %
2025-02-10$0.16-33.72 %
2025-02-11$0.16-32.47 %
2025-02-12$0.19-20.22 %
2025-02-13$0.22-7.97 %

FAQs - Egg N Partners (EGGT) Price Prediction

What will be the lowest price of Egg N Partners in future?

Upto $0.53 USD

What will be the highest price of Egg N Partners in future?

Upto $4.71 USD

Will Egg N Partners price increase in future?

Yes, Egg N Partners price will increase according to our predicted data in future.

Investment in Egg N Partners is profitable or loss-making?

Yes, Egg N Partners is profitable investment based on our forecasting.

Whether the price of Egg N Partners will be downward in future?

No, Egg N Partners price will not be downward based on our estimated prediction.

In 1 year from now what will 1 Egg N Partners be worth?

The price of 1 Egg N Partners (EGGT) can roughly be upto $0.53 USD in 1 years time a 2x nearly from the current EGGT price.

What will be the price of Egg N Partners after 1 year?

Upto $0.62 USD

What will be the price of Egg N Partners after 3 years?

Upto $0.87 USD

What will be the price of Egg N Partners after 4 years?

Upto $1.11 USD

What will be the price of Egg N Partners after 5 years?

Upto $1.33 USD

What will be the price of Egg N Partners after 6 years?

Upto $1.82 USD

What will be the price of Egg N Partners after 7 years?

Upto $2.54 USD

* Our predictions are made on the basis of Historical Data. We are not responsible for any profit / loss.